Moving Labs Online How-Tos, ArticlesRobyn MooreApril 16, 2020remote teaching, remote learning, labs, online teaching, online labs, virtual labs
Misconceptions and Myths about Online Learning Articles, Reflections, How-TosSusan Joudrey, PhDApril 8, 2020remote teaching, remote learning, online teaching, online course
Luddites Can Lead Online Classes Too ArticlesJeff WilsonApril 6, 2020online course, remote teaching, remote learning, online teaching, pedagogy
Creating a (Virtual) Learning Community How-Tos, ArticlesSusan Joudrey, PhDApril 2, 2020remote teaching, remote learning, community, online presence, online course
Tips for Managing Your Large Online Class Articles, How-TosSusan Joudrey and Les T. JohnsonApril 1, 2020large classes, online presence, communication, academic integrity, remote teaching
Tackling Your Thesis Defence Remotely How-TosJill Marie McSweeney-Flaherty, PhDMarch 31, 2020graduate students, remote learning, thesis, remote teaching
Soliciting Formative Feedback During Your Course ArticlesCentre for Learning and TeachingMarch 30, 2020SRIs, formative feedback, remote teaching
Student Ratings of Instruction during the Transition to Remote Teaching ArticlesCentre for Learning and TeachingMarch 27, 2020SRIs, formative feedback, remote teaching
Academic Integrity in the F.A.C.E. of Online Teaching ArticlesSusan Joudrey & Jill McSweeney-FlahertyMarch 26, 2020academic integrity, compassion, flexibility, remote teaching
Creating Online Assessments for Learning ArticlesSusan Joudrey, PhDMarch 26, 2020assessment, constructive alignment, remote teaching
Reflect, Revise, Relax, and Revel: Looking Back While Moving Forward ArticlesTereigh EwertMarch 25, 2020course revision, student learning, student engagement, remote teaching
Helping Students Become Self-Directed Learners Online ArticlesSusan Joudrey & Jill McSweeney-FlahertyMarch 23, 2020remote teaching, self-directed learning, communication
Writing Centre Supports Students Remotely ArticlesMargie Clow Bohan, PhDMarch 20, 2020writing centre, remote teaching, libguides
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Remote Teaching ArticlesCentre for Learning and TeachingMarch 18, 2020edi, accessibility, remote teaching
Student Support for Unexpected Anxiety and Grief ArticlesSusan Joudrey, PhDMarch 17, 2020remote teaching, student centredness
Curriculum Tips for Modifying a Course ArticlesSusan Joudrey, PhDMarch 16, 2020remote teaching, curriculum, learning outcomes
COVID-19: Compassion in Our Classroom During Uncertain Times ArticlesJamiella Brooks, PhDMarch 13, 2020compassion, edi, remote teaching
Student Ratings of Instruction: Top 5 Tips Bruno RoyMarch 7, 2020SRIs, course evaluations, question personalization, teaching assistants
Active Learning: It Works! (Part II) Articles, ReflectionsTami Meredith, PhDMarch 2, 2020active learning, SRIs
Active Learning: It Works! Articles, ReflectionsTami Meredith, PhDFebruary 15, 2020active learning, SRIs