The front page of FOCUS, vol. 1, no. 3, 1993.
FOCUS on University Teaching and Learning, the Centre for Learning and Teaching’s magazine, features articles contributed by Dalhousie staff, graduate students, and faculty. In circulation since 1993, FOCUS was available both in print and online, with each issue focused on a theme. FOCUS became a blog in 2019, and contains a variety of writing categories. Our new, bi-annual SYMPOSIA tackles themes and topics.
FOCUS contributions attend to the changing and definition-resistant nature of teaching and learning, reaching across disciplinary boundaries to engage one another with stories, problem-solving, inspirations and inquiries from our teaching and learning lives. Come to FOCUS for both practical take-aways and nourishing stimulus that hits deep.
Email the editor, Kate Crane, to discuss becoming a contributor:
The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) works in partnership with academic units, faculty members, and graduate students to enhance the practice and scholarship of learning and teaching at Dalhousie University. CLT takes an evidence-based approach to advocating for effective learning and teaching practices, curriculum planning, services to support the use of technology in education, and institutional policies and infrastructure to enhance the Dalhousie learning environment.